Students & Families

Thank you for visiting the "Students & Families" section. Please use the side navigation (on desktop), or click the plus sign above (on mobile) to find the subpages for this section, including the Cafe, Friends Program, Handbook, Library, Powerschool and Yearbook. 

EES Families help us SOAR!

We welcome and encourage our families to be involved! Be sure to connect with your child's classroom teacher on SeeSaw and follow our school Facebook or Twitter to keep up with what's going on in your child's classroom and learn about volunteer opportunities.   

Families are also welcome to visit their child during lunch. Please check the Handbook for our cafeteria visitor policy. 

You can check your child's grades through PowerSchool. Check with your child's teacher or our school secretary if you need help logging in.  Please see the Handbook for more information about the grade scale.